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I Help Organizations Create Remarkable Customer Experiences

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Optimize Service Performance

Multiply Loyal Customers

Increase Revenue and Profitability


With Customer Experience Marketing (CXM)


Jesse B Good is passionate about dramatically improving customer experiences to optimize performance, foster client loyalty, and drive revenue and profitability. While he hasn't published a best selling book or been voted as a Global CX Influencer, here is what he HAS done:


  • Spent 20+ years leading front-line customer service and CX teams resulting in exponentially multiplying loyal client relationships

  • Personally facilitated more than one million customer service experiences

  • Created millions of dollars in additional business revenue through retained customers, expanded relationships, and cost avoidance


Jesse uses what he has learned to educate about customer service and the customer experience. Yes, there is a difference - and he's eager to show your organization how to leverage his teachings to help you create a truly remarkable client experience. When your client experience is remarkable, your audience will not only gladly pay for it again and again, but willingly share with others to advocate for your brand.


Happy to Help details proven principles and processes for quickly, effectively, and efficiently training skills to individual customer service providers. This guide combines personal experiences, customer service research, and learner exercises to help your organization cultivate lasting business relationships with an ever-growing customer family.

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Clients who have implemented Jesse's tools and resources report they are consistently earning:

More Clients Growth over 30%

More Loyalty Client retention increases of 50%

More Spending Twice as much per transaction

More Buying Repeat purchases four times more often

More Value Price increases by as much as 40%

More Referrals 50 times the impact of traditional ads

More Profit Six-fold ROI on marketing dollars



When Jesse talked about what it costs a business to lose a customer, our support reps cheered. It was a big 'HOORAH' moment for our team.


Daniel Brewer

Account Manager


Not only was his presentation insightful, humorous, and engaging, after Jesse worked with our team, we saw improvements in spending, renewals, and loyalty.


Roger Mendez

Business Operations Manager, Customer Success


Jesse's presentation was spot on and I loved his engagement with the audience. It's refreshing when you can relate the information back to real-life stories.


Erica Woods

Virtual Event planner

Jesse B Good

Speaker, Author, Customer Experience Marketing Expert

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